Riccardo Viale is Full Professor of Behavioral Sciences and Cognitive Economics at the Department of Economics of the University of Milan Bicocca and at LUISS, Rome. President of Behavioral Insights Bicocca and Co-Director of the Master “Nudge and Public Policy”. Early in his career he was Nato Fellow at Balliol College, Oxford University, Research Scholar at Italian Academy of Columbia University, at Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin and at Chinese Academy of Science, Bejing. He was European Research Council reviewer and panel member of Mind and its Complexity Consolidator Grants. He is currently Head of Italy Behavioral Insights Team at Prime Minister Department of Civil Service.
Founder and Secretary General of Herbert Simon Society.
Editor in Chief of Mind & Society (Nature-Springer). Author of many books and publications including the Handbook on Bounded Rationality (Routledge, 2021) and “Nudging” (The MIT Press, 2022).
His previous empirical research was in category-based induction, conjunction fallacy, vague predicates and deductive reasoning in science. Recent empirical research is on social norm nudging, behavioral design in public policy and public administration and the behavioral audit of organizations.