Veronica De Romanis
Professor of European Economics
Luiss (Rome) and Stanford University (Florence)
Veronica De Romanis studied economics at La Sapienza University in Rome (Bachelor Degree in Economics cum Laude) and Columbia University in New York (PhD Course), where she obtained an MA and MPhil in Economics.
She is an advisor to the Minister of Economy and Finance on the Reform of the European Economic Governance.
She currently lectures on European economic policy issues at Stanford University (The Breyer Center for Overseas Studies) in Florence and at Libera Università degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli (LUISS) in Rome (Department of Political Science, School of Government and MBA Program). She is a Member of the “Osservatorio per i Conti Pubblici” in the Cattolica University in Milan.
She was a Member of the Council of Economic Advisors at the Ministry of Economy and Finance, for over twelve years, focusing on macroeconomics and public finance. She was also in charge of the interaction with Eurostat, the European Commission, OECD and the IMF.
She was an Independent Director of the Board, President of the Risks Committee and Member of the Compensation Committee and Sustainability Committee of Cementir Holding (Rome) from 2015 to 2023. She is a Member of the Advisory Board of the “Giubileo 2025 in Confindustria” and of the Think Tank of Unindustria (Roma Lazio). She is a Member of the International Committee of the Board of WE Women Empower the World and she is in the listing of “”. In July 2019, she was awarded with the Prize Profilo Donna.
She is a columnist for La Stampa, Il Foglio and Policy Brief Luiss School of Government. She published several books: “Il Metodo Merkel”, (2009, Marsilio editori), “Il Caso Germania”, (2013, Marsilio editori), “L’Austerità fa Crescere” (2017, Marsilio Editori), “Il Pasto Gratis” (2024, Mondadori)